

Last Monday a tragedy happened in Japan. A train got derailed and crashed against a big apartment built along the rails, and about 100 persons passed over so far. Each of them had their own lives, which they expected to be continuing more....

A lot of stories have been narrated here concerning the persons who cannot tell us any longer about themselves and anything that they were going to do on that day and the days to follow. One of them was a girl, who lost her mother several years ago and had played the role of the mother in her family. She encountered the accident on the way to her first overseas trip to Korea since her mother's death.

An accident takes place anytime anywhere. Seeing that disaster, a Japanese is led to think he or she might have incurred that tragedy, while some of us thinks it was caused by mistakes of the motorman or the company that gave him a tight schedule or much pressure. I belong to the former.

I was most depressed when I heard a saying of a middle-aged man who was bereaved of his wife. He said, "I don't know why my wife encountered the accident because I didn't think she had done what God dislikes. We have been working diligently without committing any harmful things, ... I don't know why God gave it to my wife."

Some facts are difficult to overcome or accept. What should you do when you encounter such tragedies like the deaths of the persons you cherish most? Can you give me or him an answer?

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